Our services:

from logo 
to customised software
from business cards 
to website
from advice 
to managed services
from flyer 
to catalog

We make sense of your ideas !

A single agency for all your needs !

Anaximandre supports VSEs and SMEs in their marketing approach to adapt their medium- or long-term strategy to the market. Anaximandre provides personalized communication advice resulting from the marketing strategy to produce a communication plan.

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Your visual identity is the set of all the graphic elements that symbolise your company.
This identity is used on all your communication supports. To distinguish you, surprise you and catch your eye, we create a unique and original visual identity that conveys the image of your company or your community and its values. It will be declined on the most relevant communication supports for your activity.

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Anaximandre has been developing websites for over 20 years using the latest technologies.
Anaximandre provides complete management of your website project, from the specifications to its online launch and referencing.

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The activities of companies and communities require the implementation of dedicated solutions. Thanks to its dual skills in communication and IT, Anaximandre can help you set up your customized IT solutions (software, applications).

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Anaximandre provides hosting and maintenance of your websites and online applications 24/7 on a dedicated, secure server infrastructure hosted at OVH (Roubaix, France). We ensure the implementation of your Zimbra messaging on our servers, or Microsoft Exchange on Microsoft or OVH servers.

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Anaximandre completes your presence on the Web by ensuring your communication on social networks, defining in advance the editorial line of your activity and the frequency of publication. Anaximandre takes care of the referencing of your contents on the Web.

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All of our services :

Stratégie marketing, définition de la cible, du message ...
Référencement de sites internet
Création de logo et d'identité visuelle
Aide à la communication sur les réseaux sociaux
Création de vidéos et d'animations
Création de documents imprimés, flyers, brochures, dépliants ...
Développement de logiciels métiers
Développement web
Création de sites internet sur mesure
Hébergement et infogérance de site internet, logiciels et applciations
Création de logo et d'identité visuelle
Aide à la communication sur les réseaux sociaux
Création de vidéos et d'animations
Création de documents imprimés, flyers, brochures, dépliants ...
Stratégie marketing, définition de la cible, du message ...
Référencement de sites internet
Développement de logiciels métiers
Développement web
Création de sites internet sur mesure
Hébergement et infogérance de site internet, logiciels et applciations